Assignment 1, CS3346A, 2013

Assigning date: Sept. 18, 2013
Due date: Sept 25, 2013 (midnight)
Electronic submission: See how here).
Individual effort (no group work)
Total marks: 10% of the final marks

Notes (updated on 9/24):
Questions 1 and 2 are open-ended, and there is no simple right or wrong answer. In some cases, you can make your own assumptions. Try to make a strong argument, and justify your answers briefly. Also, some clarification is added in Questions 3 and 4 below.

Question 1: Try to converse with Cleverbot. What strenths and weaknesses do you find? How would you propose to improve it? Do you think Cleverbot will pass the Turning Test?

Question 2: Read about Ray Kurzweil and his predictions on the ultimate goals of AI. Do you agree or disagree? Support your claims.

Question 3: Question 2.9; see scanned page (here). Note: it is about the vacuum-cleaner world; see page 5 of the slides. You only need to describe it or draw it.

Question 4: In addition to the examples given in the textbook, think about least five real-world problems and puzzles that the problem-solving agents can solve. For each, describe the states, actions, goal test, and path cost. An example of the answer can be seen on page 23 of the slides.